Fernando Pessoa Quote Quiz

Welcome to the fernando pessoa quote quiz. The Portuguese author, poet, and writer Fernando Pêssoa cultivated the English language from the age of seven. In his life, he published more than 75 books in both English and Portuguese, and translated works from other languages. In addition to his literary works, he also imagined more than 75 characters, many of them with very extreme views. If you'd like to know what your favorite Pessoa Quote is, take our quiz!

What is your favorite Fernando Pessoa quote? Try our quiz and find out! There are many famous quotes by this Brazilian writer, including 'Pepa' and 'Ibis.' Take the Fernando Peléssoa Quote Quiz to see how well you know him. You can even win a prize by answering 'What is your favorite Pepa Pessoa Quote?'

Did you know that Pessoa had multiple identities? In fact, he used more than 75 pseudonyms to write different works. Although he called his alter egos heteronyms, these people were essentially a part of his intellectual life. Their works are often unpopular, so they were not censored or banned by the Portuguese government.

What is your Fernando Pessoa Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Fernando Pessoa Quote is.