Flying Spaghetti Monster Quote Quiz

Welcome to the flying spaghetti monster quote quiz. Are you a fan of the fabled creature or the myth of its origins? Then you should take this quiz to find out! It's a fun way to learn more about the Flying Swordfish. The results will be displayed below. You can also take the quiz on its website to see if you have the right answer.

To answer the question, you need to know what kind of creature you are and why. The Flying Squiggly Face was made to inspire people. The Squiggly Squidman was the first to use the creature as a vehicle for a metaphor. Despite being a popular flier, the Squid-Eyes character does not represent a real creature. Unlike the Squid-Eyes character, the Flying Spaghetti Monster has no human form. Moreover, the story is based on a science-fictional creation theory.

Those who believe in the Flying Squid-Eyed Man have also been acquitted of the myth of the creature's origin. It was a prank played on biblical literalists, intelligent design proponents, and those who believe in evolution. However, the Flying Squid-Eyes was not an actual creature.

What is your Flying Spaghetti Monster Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Flying Spaghetti Monster Quote is.