Ghost Town Description Quiz

Welcome to the ghost town description quiz. What is your Ghost Town Description? It is not an easy question to answer. After all, you are unfamiliar with the town and its eerie atmosphere. However, it will help you understand the town better. Take this quiz to find out. You may even win a free trip to a ghost city! What is your Ghosttown Description?? Once you've answered all of the questions, you can start planning your trip.

Often, ghost towns are created by environmental disasters. For instance, Times Beach, Missouri, was closed because of high levels of dioxins. Wittenoom, Western Australia, once produced the country's largest amount of blue asbestos, but was forced to close because of health concerns. Meanwhile, in the United States, Treece and Picher, twin towns in Kansas and Oklahoma, were once the world's largest sources of zinc and lead. The unregulated disposal of mine tailings eventually contaminated groundwater, resulting in lead poisoning in children. The EPA eventually forced the towns to close and be bought out by the local government.

A ghost town is an abandoned city or village. The population of these cities and towns has decreased significantly since the 1920s. Moreover, the economic collapse of those towns led to the disappearance of many residents. A ghost town can also be a semi-abandoned town. The skeleton population has left the site. Its history is very similar to that of a ghost-town, although the former is more interesting.

What is your Ghost Town Description?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Ghost Town Description is.