Haiku Quiz

Welcome to the haiku quiz. A Haiku is a Japanese poem of five lines. Each line has only three syllables and a specific theme. It is usually about nature and uses a "season word" to indicate the time of year. A Haiku is not supposed to rhyme and must not follow a certain rhythm. In order to get the highest score, you must have at least six syllables. Before you attempt to write a haiku, you must first learn how to read it. You should know how to enunciate the lines and ensure that they sound natural. Avoid using complicated words or awkward lines. In addition, make sure that your Haiku uses the present tense. If you're writing for a contest, you can try to make the questions more difficult. Once you've mastered the basics, you can move on to more challenging exercises, such as the one below. If you're new to haiku, you might want to read a few examples first to get an idea for what to write. You can also look up examples of haiku online or in a book. Generally, haiku poems are short and do not rhyme, but they can be very short and have a varied syllable scheme. If you're still unsure of how to write a good one, try a few examples.

What is your Haiku?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Haiku is.