Halfling Name Quiz

Welcome to the halfling name quiz. Are you curious about the Halfling character in Lord of the Rings? Take this Halfling name quiz and find out! This fun game consists of five questions, and you'll be able to find out what your Halfling's name is! It's important to remember that a halfling is neither a man nor a woman, so you'll need to choose a gender-neutral, unique, and unique-sounding name.

If you're wondering which halfling name you should give your new halfling, try this Halfling name quiz. The results are based on the character's name, but you may want to consider a few things before deciding on a full-blown name. For instance, Halflings often have unique names. Some of these are Spanish or English origin, and are not popular choices for humans.

What is your Halfling Name? - If you're a gnome, choose a Halfling name that sounds the most similar to your own. You might also like one of these: Cotman or Dudo. They're both English names, and they are both good options. If you're a dwarven halfling, you might want to choose a name that's more obscure.

What is your Halfling Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Halfling Name is.