Harry Potter Winged Horse Name Quiz

Welcome to the harry potter winged horse name quiz. Have you ever wondered what your horse's name should be? Here's a quiz that will help you find out! The first step is to think about your horse's personality. Do you like riding fast and chasing down your prey? Then decide if you want to ride a sleek black horse or a sleek gray horse. The answer is up to you!

The winning horse's name must be a combination of its breed and color. The most common type of black is matte black. It is good for horses with a dull coat and pale body. The next type is a golden ox, called Re'em. It gives drinkers more strength. Then, there is the Hippogriff, a giant snake that lives in the sea. And finally, there is the Snallygaster, a hybrid bird-dragon that looks like a falcon. The Sphinx is a large Egyptian creature with a human head on one side and a lion on the other. It has human speech, is very agile, and is good at riddles.

There are a few more names that are not on this quiz. The first is a matte black eagle. It is good for horses with dull coats and paler black bodies. The second is Sirius, which is the surname of a character in the Harry Potter series. While the latter two are considered the most common, the former will signal fellow Harry Potter fans to be more adventurous and daring.

What is your Harry Potter Winged Horse Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Harry Potter Winged Horse Name is.