Hellenic Name Quiz

Welcome to the hellenic name quiz. If you are Greek, the first part of your name is probably derived from your father's surname. Your last name could also be a combination of your mother's and father's surnames. In either case, you would be given the genitive form, which usually ends in a "s." In Greek, a woman's last and nominative names both end in "o", meaning "of" or 'of'. The genitive form is similar to the nominative form, with an accent shift, as in the case of the surname Papadopoulou, which is shortened from the original.

You are not the only person with a Greek name. There are also many famous people who bear the same name. Princess Alexandra of Greece and Denmark was born in 1892 and became a Saint in 2016. Tiffany u0026 Co. is a famous luxury gift company and famous for its iconic blue box. In Disney's animated movie The Little Mermaid, the villain is called Ursula, which means "best" in Greek. Xenia is another unique name. This one is associated with a mythical ancient goddess of travel and generosity. It is not uncommon to see a person with this name as the heroine of the movie.

The name Phaedra is a Greek derivative of the English name 'Philip'. It means "son of Adam" and "servant of the Lord Christ". The first part is Filip, which means "slave of the god". The second part is Argyros, which means "silvery" and is a patronymic form of the Greek word 'raptein'.

What is your Hellenic Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Hellenic Name is.