Horizon Zero Dawn Machine Name Quiz

Welcome to the horizon zero dawn machine name quiz. The Machine Names in Horizon Zero: Daggerfall are highly descriptive and follow a pattern, similar to human names. To help you find yours, we have built a machine name generator. This tool generates 10 random names for you, based on a variety of criteria. We used an image from the game as a background, which is part of the game's copyright and belongs to its rightful owners.

Which machine class are you? There are many types of machines, including a droid called a behemoth. The Acquisition Class is a small vehicle that resembles a rhinoceros, but is extra large. These machines have blaze canisters that allow them to light up the area in a blaze. The Recon Class is a sentinel that monitors the area to spot and eliminate any potential threats. The Combat Class is the largest of the Machines, and is based on predatory animals. The Transport Class is a versatile vehicle, which can carry cargo and canisters.

The Grazer is an extra large, low-tech, transport class machine. It uses anti-gravity technology to process soil and operate in herds. The Charger is a small, agile version of the Plowhorn, and they can be mounted in the Horizon Forbidden West. They can headbutt any enemy and are a powerful weapon against the enemies in the game. Thunderjaws are huge, resembled by a monkey and have a thick tail. Unlike the others, they can be modified by Aloy.

What is your Horizon Zero Dawn Machine Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Horizon Zero Dawn Machine Name is.