Hot Sauce Name Quiz

Welcome to the hot sauce name quiz. You have probably heard of hot sauce before, but have you ever wondered what it tastes like? You can learn a lot about this spicy condiment by taking a Hot-Sauce-Name-Quiz. If you think it's merely a flavor enhancer, you are wrong. Many brands of hot sauce use complex science to give their products a unique flavor. Listed below are some of the most common types of hot sauce, along with their origins. What is your hot sauce? You might have never thought of using it before, but you'd be surprised. There are more than 6,000 types of hot sauce on the market today, so figuring out which one you have is important. This quiz will help you discover the one that's right for you. Try it and see what you think. If you're not sure, you can try the "Name It" option! First of all, what do you think your sauce tastes like? A purple hot sauce might have a green border, while a red one might be a little fruitier. But that doesn't mean it's not spicy at all. You can use red peppers, like habaneros, when they're fully ripe. Then you'll have a fruitier, sweeter, hotter sauce. And what's even better, Marie Sharp was a real person! She was a teacher before she started selling hot-sauce in Belize in 1981!

What is your Hot Sauce Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Hot Sauce Name is.