Ikkyu Sojun Quote Quiz

Welcome to the ikkyu sojun quote quiz. Did you know that you can take a simple Ikkyu Sojun Quote quiz? This Japanese poet was a popular Zen master in the Edo period. You may have heard of him and his famous "Crow-call" quote. This is a classic example of the Ikkyu Sojun Quote Quiz, which will determine whether you've heard it before or not.

Ikkyu was a major figure in the Zen era, both as a saint and a heretic. He argued that the pavilion girls deepened the enlightenment of Zen practitioners. He also warned against the bureaucratic politicisation of Zen. He wrote in classical Chinese and wrote beautiful poetry. His writings are still considered some of the best in medieval Japan.

Ikkyu Sojun was a revered Zen Buddhist. He wrote over 100 poems and was one of the founders of the formal Japanese tea ceremony. He lived during the Muromachi period, when Japan returned to Kyoto from Kamakura. His writings are both insightful and written in classical Chinese. He was also one of the best calligraphers of his time, and he also painted in ink.

How well do you know Ikkyu Sojun? Find out with the Ikkyu Sojun Quote Quiz! What is your Ikkyu Sojun Quotation? Have you read his books and taken the Ikkyu Sojun Quote Quizz. What is your Ikkyu So Junqi? What is your favorite?

What is your Ikkyu Sojun Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Ikkyu Sojun Quote is.