Imp Name Quiz

Welcome to the imp name quiz. The name of an imp can vary from work to work. There are 36 names that can be considered imps, including the Latin names Alaris and Barbariccia. These names have a darker tone and are sometimes hard to pronounce. However, there are some names that are universally appealing. Take our quiz and find out what your Imp's name is! You'll be glad you took the quiz!

If you're not sure what type of imp you are, you might try taking an Imp Name Quiz! You'll discover your animal name and how you sound as an imp. You'll also discover which animals your imp may be a ward. In the first one, an imp may be a warlock. If you're a witch, your imp's name could be Fiznak!

The second quiz is based on the name of a fictional imp, but you can also find out your name from your childhood. An imp is often depicted as a lonely being who tries to win the friendship of humans through pranks. Those who attempt to make an impression will be pranked and eventually drive the imp away. If you're a naughty child, the name of an imp can be a warning, but the snide behavior of an immature child can lead to mishaps.

What is your Imp Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Imp Name is.