Instrument Name Quiz

Welcome to the instrument name quiz. Take this quiz to discover your musical instrument name! It may seem easy, but the truth is that most people struggle to identify at least 9/16 instruments. With a little bit of practice, you will be able to correctly identify many more than nine. Luckily, we've compiled the answers below so that you can answer with confidence. What is your instrument name? Find out by taking the Instrument Identification Quiz.

The taiko drum is a large snare drum used in chamber music. This percussion instrument originates from Japan and is used throughout the world. It is a broad category that encompasses several percussion instruments, including the kumi-daiko. In performing, this instrument has many elements. In addition, a Playstation 2 game featuring a taiko drum was released in the United States on October 26, 2004.

The taiko drum is a large snare drum that is used in chamber music. It is a Japanese instrument. The kumi-daiko is one of its forms. While the taiko is most commonly associated with chamber music, there are many other percussion instruments that use the taiko drum. The kumi-daico is used in concert halls and chamber music.

What is your Instrument Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Instrument Name is.