Irish Surname Quiz

Welcome to the irish surname quiz. If you are Irish, you may be interested in finding out your family's surname origins. Most Irish surnames were derived from personal names of ancestors, such as O'Neills in Northern Ui Neill in Ulster. Their Irish surname originates from a king who died around 917 AD, and is pronounced "oh-nee." This article will explore the history and meaning of Irish surnames, and provide information that will help you find out if you're an Irish-born person. The name Carroll is derived from the Gaelic word cearbhail, which means "son of". It also originates from the name O'Reilly, which means "handsome". There are many Gaelic surnames in Ireland. In addition to the above, there are several other popular surnames that originate from Ireland. Ahern, for example, was an important family in the county, followed by O'Reilly, who was a prominent member of the O'Reilly family. What's Your Irish Surname? Answer the following questions to find out! The oldest surnames are O'Brien and O'Connor. These are derived from the Gaelic word "obriain", which means "descended from Brian". O'Leary is from the Gaelic word "o laoghaire" and O'Shea comes from the French word "power" - which refers to those from Poix, in France. Another ancient family name is Regan, which means 'Lord of the house'.

What is your Irish Surname?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Irish Surname is.