Jamaican Name Quiz

Welcome to the jamaican name quiz. What is your Jamaican name? It's probably different from your English name. People in the early days of the island often spoke a mixture of African dialects and broken English. It was also a difficult language to read, so people had to write down what they heard. Today, this problem has been solved and we use modern standardized spelling for our names. If you're curious about your background, you can take the Jamaican ancestry quiz and see which of your grandparents' names are Jamaican.

There are many nicknames that describe Jamaicans. Some are evocative, while others are just plain strange. Killer is given to people who do well in anything. Tuffie is a nickname given to muscular females. Brown Man is a common nickname for someone with brown skin. Birdie is a popular Jamaican nickname. Nuts refers to a vendor of peanuts. Sleepy and Screw Face refer to people who frown often.

What is your Jamaican name? What is your real name? How do you know? Take the Jamaican name quiz below. We have a list of the top three most common names. This can help you choose the right name. It may surprise you! You may be surprised by your result! This quiz is designed to reveal the true meaning behind your Jamaican surname. The answers to this quiz are a fun, entertaining, and informative way to learn more about your Jamaican heritage.

What is your Jamaican Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Jamaican Name is.