Japanese Name Quiz

Welcome to the japanese name quiz. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your name? If so, this quiz will give you an idea of what your Japanese name means and what people think of it. It will also give you an idea of the Japanese culture and gastronomy. Take it to find out if your name is appropriate for a Japanese person. If your answer is positive, then you should know what your Japanese name means.

If you haven't already discovered your Japanese name, then here are some ways you can find out. First of all, try to think about your name's meaning. Do you like anime? If so, your Japanese name will be a great fit for it. The name "Michiko" is a common name for a boy. In Japanese, it is a feminine name.

If you're a girl, your Japanese name is Mi. In English, it means wisdom. In Japanese, the word "michiko" means "apple tree." So, you may be a wise person. Just remember to make greetings in the right way, because it's important to remember how to greet others. Once you've found your Japanese name, you can begin to learn how to use it in conversation.

What is your Japanese Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Japanese Name is.