Joseph Campbell Quote Quiz

Welcome to the joseph campbell quote quiz. If you've ever wondered what the famous mythologist Joseph Campbell said, you can now answer that question by answering the quote quiz below! This American author and mythologist is known for his writings, lectures, and philosophies. Using various stories and legends, he created a series of quotes that cover a variety of topics, from the meaning of life to overcoming challenges and regaining hope.

A prolific scholar in comparative mythology, Campbell branched out to write nonfiction works and fiction. His first work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), focused on the anthropology of myth. It was based on his interview series with Bill Moyers and became a posthumous bestseller. He died of esophageal cancer in 1963, but his work influenced a generation of writers, poets, and scholars.

A classic of literary criticism, Campbell was an author of "The Power of Myth" and "The Key." His work was a bestseller, and he shared his stories with audiences worldwide. However, his life was tragic and he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer shortly afterward. Luckily, his writings live on as timeless and meaningful as the legends and stories he created.

What is your Joseph Campbell Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Joseph Campbell Quote is.