Karen Rant Quiz

Welcome to the karen rant quiz. The meme Karen has made a resurgence since it first came out in the mid-1960s. White women who grew up hearing the phrase are increasingly middle-aged and white, and its ramifications have become a source of controversy. It has been used to make fun of sexist jokes, anti-vax conspiracy theories, and the "punch-up" attitude of white women. A recent YouTube video featuring a lesbian who goes by the name Karen is a perfect example of a Karen Rant. The video features a woman named Rachel who has been branded a racist due to her comments. Although Karen was once a stereotyped anti-vaxxer, the name has come to represent more than just annoying moms. In the past few years, her role has expanded to include the role of a feminist and a gay activist. The internet is a fascinating place. You can find a great deal of content that makes you laugh. There are plenty of examples of Karens attacking people on the news, in restaurants, enforcing social distancing guidelines, and in pharmacies. Take the Karen Rant Quiz and find out! The results will shock you. It is sure to make you feel good about yourself!

What is your Karen Rant?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Karen Rant is.