Kung Fu Attack Quiz

Welcome to the kung fu attack quiz. If you're like me, you've spent countless hours hunched over a karate manual, trying to learn how to fight effectively. I've been training in Berwick Chinese Martial Arts for the last ten years, and I've learned a thing or two about the art form. In this quiz, you can find out whether you're a true kung fu master or a wannabe.

The golden dragon is a prone combat posture similar to the military crawl. It's one of the most crucial techniques of kung fu, and it is taught around the world. It was developed by the legendary Imperial General Yue Fei in the 1103s, when he had his elite forces crawl through fortifications and ditches. However, today, it isn't a popular form of kung fu.

The golden dragon is an important combat posture. It's similar to the military crawl, and it is practiced throughout the world. In the ancient times, this technique was practiced by the elite forces of the Emperor. During this time, the legendary general Yue Fei (1103-1142) would have them crawl through fortifications and ditches to gain an advantage.

What is your Kung Fu Attack?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Kung Fu Attack is.