Kung Fu Movie Quiz

Welcome to the kung fu movie quiz. In this Kung Fu movie quiz, you must answer questions about the movie that has the most impact on you. The questions are based on your knowledge about the genre, and they are meant to test your knowledge. If you have seen the movie, you should be able to answer them correctly. If not, you may need to re-watch the movie before taking the quiz.

What was the first Kung Fu movie you saw? Was it Iron Monkey or The Brave Archer? The Brave Archer was one of the first films to feature a wire-assisted karate character (Fatty) and a Robin Hood-like story (the film's title refers to his father's character). Whichever one of these movies you've seen, you can answer the question about which movie inspired it most.

Which Kung Fu Movie is your favorite? Is it one of these classics? If you answered 'No,' you're a true fan of the genre. If you haven't seen it yet, it's time to start watching it. There are many great films, and the first few questions you answer are likely to make you feel even more confused.

What is your Kung Fu Movie?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Kung Fu Movie is.