Legend Of Zelda Kokiri Name Quiz

Welcome to the legend of zelda kokiri name quiz. Taking a Kokiri name quiz is fun and will tell you which type of Kokiri you are. There are many different kinds of Kokiri, but they all look different. For example, you may have a name that sounds like Fado. That's because Fado is the name of a former Wind Sage in the World of Warcraft. But if you're not familiar with the legend of the Wind Wii, here are a few things you need to know about this species.

A Kokiri's name comes from the enchanted forest where they live. They protect one of the three Spiritual Stones. In the Legend of Zelda, the Kokiri fight Ganondorf, who asks them to hand over the stone. But the Deku Tree refuses, and he places a curse on Link, causing the forest to become overrun by monsters.

Several popular Kokiri names come from this game. The most popular is Fado, which was revealed in The Wind Waker. The Kokiri name is also a reference to Fado's mother, the goddess of wind. The two most common names in the games are Saria and Mido. A lot of the questions on this quiz have to do with the Kokiri Sage, Queen Gohma, and the three major tribes of Hyrule.

What is your Legend Of Zelda Kokiri Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Legend Of Zelda Kokiri Name is.