Legend Of Zelda Rito Name Quiz

Welcome to the legend of zelda rito name quiz. The Rito are humanoids with bird features. The name is a common combination of a boy and a girl. The game world has a small pool of names to choose from, but there is a lot of variety among the different species. From the original name, "Zora," to the more recent name "Bill," the Rito vary from game to game. The first game introduced the character in the form of a boy, and the rest are either male or female.

The game has a history of slight retcons and re-uses. In The Wind Waker, the Ritos' names were taken from the priestly Zora tribe. Owlan and Horwell come from the words "owl" and "allen," respectively. While the latter name might be based on the horned owl, the former is probably an abbreviated form of "hululer."

The female Ritos are known as "Saphire". The sapphire is Zora's royal family crest. The princess is called Hyli. A princess of Hylia, or Lia is called a Hylia. The queen of the Dragon Roost Island is named Zere.

What is your Legend Of Zelda Rito Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Legend Of Zelda Rito Name is.