Lord Of The Rings Dunlendings Name Quiz

Welcome to the lord of the rings dunlendings name quiz. The Dunlendings are the people of the Misty Mountains and the Valleys of Rohan. They were a fierce and ancient culture, whose vengeance was felt toward Rohan. Their anger was channeled by Saruman to pillage the kingdom of Rohan. While the Dunlendings were the nemesis of the dwarves, they were also the enemy of the Numenoreans.

According to J. R. Tolkien's book, the Dunlendings lived in the north-west part of Middle-earth. The Rohirrim were a race of dark-haired men who were related to the House of Haleth. In Middle-earth, the Dunlendings named their land after the people of Dunland. The name "dunn" comes from the Old English word, "dunn," which means brown.

The Dunlendings were the ancient enemies of the Rohirrim and the Rohan. Their swarthy appearance was a result of the oppression that Saruman had inflicted on Rohan. However, not all of them sided with the evil Saruman and joined him. Large clans usually span several villages. Each village is led by a hereditary "Brenin" who is advised by a Brehure council. Most of the Dunlendings were farmers and herdsmen, and built their homes and towns from wood.

What is your Lord Of The Rings Dunlendings Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Lord Of The Rings Dunlendings Name is.