Magic The Gathering Gorgon Name Quiz

Welcome to the magic the gathering gorgon name quiz. There are many different ways to name your gorgon, from shaman to sailor, but the main thing is to have fun. The more original and creative your name is, the more likely your gorgon will be to be unique! Try this online quiz to get some ideas and have a great time. Just make sure you choose a unique and interesting name!

If you're looking for a unique name for your gorgon, consider the following suggestions: Hythonia, the largest gorgon in Magic: The Gathering. She is originally thought to be an avatar of Pharika, who was a great wizard. Damia, the sage who is known for her knowledge of the arcane, is another popular choice.

A common fantasy gorgon's name is rooted in language and culture. For example, the word mac means "son of". The name Theros means "sage" in Greek. As with most mythical creatures, names are derived from places or cultures. For instance, a gorgon named Damia was a priest, while Visara was a Cabal pit fighter.

What is your Magic The Gathering Gorgon Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Magic The Gathering Gorgon Name is.