Magic The Gathering Horror Name Quiz

Welcome to the magic the gathering horror name quiz. If you haven't heard of the Horror type of creature, you should. The game is infamous for its gruesome images and ominous events, such as creatures that must be sacrificed to appease a powerful evil deity. The names of these creatures are often based on the gruesome scenes that appear on them. Take the quiz and find out what your favorite horror cards are.

The black ship was a spaceship of the undead from the 7th Sea. The Black Freighter was a massive ghost ship manned by an undead crew. Its crew was composed of skeletal versions of normal crew members. However, the captain could recruit other black freighters but not recruit any. After Necros was killed, the ship's crew relied on fear cards to attack.

The Black Freighter is a ship of the undead from the 7th sea. Its crew members were undead versions of their normal counterparts. Because the crew of the Black Freighter can't recruit non-Black Freighter crew members, the ship's crew was composed of skeletal versions of the normal crew. This was the most powerful ship in the game, relying on its skeletal crew to protect itself from pirates.

What is your Magic The Gathering Horror Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Magic The Gathering Horror Name is.