Magic The Gathering Sphinx Name Quiz

Welcome to the magic the gathering sphinx name quiz. Sphinxes are the most iconic creatures in the game, with their origins in folktales and myths. These winged beasts have a body similar to that of a lion, a head similar to that of a person, and the wings of an eagle. They are also known for their mind-bending riddles. A Sphinx's blue mana makes it a wise and methodical warrior.

The Sphinx is a huge creature that is made up of blue mana. They are found on many planes, including Ravnica. This world is home to the ten guilds of Azorius, and has hidden catacombs that are full of powerful creatures. In Ravnica, they are a common sight, patrolling the skies. Sphinxes are most often found in House Dimir and the Azorius Senate. Once the ruler of the Azorius guild, Isperia, the sphinx ruled the city, but now countless lesser sphinxes guard the secrets of House Dimir.

What is your Magic: The Gathering Sphix Name? This quiz can help you choose a Sphinx's name. You can use a random Sphinx name, or select a unique Sphinx card from the list. Just make sure to keep the order in the library until you are guessing correctly. This will ensure that your opponents won't be able to tell which card you're choosing, and will be more successful.

What is your Magic The Gathering Sphinx Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Magic The Gathering Sphinx Name is.