Male Name Quiz

Welcome to the male name quiz. Your answer will be an island nation, a sports hero, a sweetheart, a good sportsman, or some other characteristic. A Male Name Quiz can help you find out what your name is based on your appearance and personality. The quiz will also tell you if you have a great sense of humor, are good with kids, and have many relationships. Take the quiz and find out what your name is!

If your first name is Arthur, you have a name that relates to the sun. Amaterasu is the sun goddess of the ancient Japanese country of Ise. Amihan means winter storm, and is the first living thing in the universe. The Greek name anemos is an excellent flower to choose for a girl. Anemone is an Italian name, derived from the Greek word anemos. In Indian mythology, the word anila is a feminine form of the Hindu god of wind.

If you are a Hispanic, you might be named Arturo. It is the Spanish version of the English name Arthur, and it is pronounced ahr-TOO-oh. The name Eduardo means prosperous guardian. It is pronounced eh-DAWAR-doh. It is a form of Ralph. And finally, if you're Jewish, you could have been named Amaterasu.

What is your Male Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Male Name is.