Maltese Name Quiz

Welcome to the maltese name quiz. The Maltese is known for its beautiful and sprightly disposition. This beautiful breed of dog is popular with many people around the world, and has many names to choose from. If you're not sure which one to choose, take our name quiz. What is your Maltese's name? Here's what you might get! Read on to learn more.

'Isaac', a French name meaning'man of Flanders', is an unusual choice. While it has been popular in other countries, this name can be considered a middle name in Malta. 'Peter' is a longtime favorite Maltese baby boy name. It comes from the Greek word 'petros', which means'stone' or 'rock'. It is a good choice for a boy as it has no associations with other names. The name Russell is a transfer of the old French 'rousel', originally given to red-haired men. This classic, manly, gentle and regal name is ideal for a Maltese.

The eighth most popular Maltese baby name is Alex. This regal, ancient name means 'defender of mankind.' The variant 'Angel' (Angelos) comes from the Greek 'angelos' meaning'messenger'. Although it is a soft name, Angel is a classic choice for a boy. It is a very holy name.

What is your Maltese Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Maltese Name is.