Marvel Comics Kree Name Quiz

Welcome to the marvel comics kree name quiz. The Marvel Comics Kree are a bunch of mutants who first appeared in Fantastic Four #65 in 1967. This was the debut appearance of a Kree. The first name of a Kree is Una, and the last name is Yon. The first two are similar and the only difference is that Una has a hyphen before her surname.

The Kree are a militaristic race that worships the Supreme Intelligence. A small group of people practice the pacifist Cotati religion. Some of the early Captain -Marvel stories also mention Tam-Borr and Zo, which are characters from the Kree race. Some Kree are members of the Universal Church of Truth. The name is normally a single syllable separated by a hyphen.

The Kree are a race of aliens, and their origins are unknown. They have lived on Earth for six million years, while humans have only been around for a few hundred. It is believed that the Kree evolved from the DNA of the Skrulls, and they have held a grudge against them for a million years. However, this doesn't stop the Kree from experimenting on humankind.

What is your Marvel Comics Kree Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Marvel Comics Kree Name is.