Mass Effect Drell Name Quiz

Welcome to the mass effect drell name quiz. Have you ever wondered if you should be called Shepard or a Drell? You are not alone; many people are wondering the same thing. The Mass Effect video game series is incredibly popular, and the first part of the game is a fun quiz where you have to answer a series of questions to find out whether or not you're a Drell. If you're wondering what your name is, you'll be glad you took this quiz!

In Mass Effect, the drells have two sets of eyelids. Their inner ones are milky white, and they close left and right. Their outer ones are black, and they close top and bottom. You should know that you're a Drell by now if you're looking to join the main party! This quiz will help you find out, so take it!

Who is your favorite Drell? The drell are a reptilian-like race from another planet. Their benefactors, the hanar, saved them from a dying homeworld. Since then, the drell have been loyal to the hanar and have fit in comfortably with galactic civilization. What is your Mass Effect drell name?

What is your Mass Effect Drell Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Mass Effect Drell Name is.