Material Name Quiz

Welcome to the material name quiz. The National Curriculum KS1 Science section focuses on materials. You may be familiar with the term, but how much do you really know about the various materials used in the world? There are several different types of materials, and some are better than others for specific jobs. This quiz will help you find out what your material name is and how to tell if you have it right. This quiz will also help you learn more about the different kinds of materials that you use every day.

Most materials are solids, but there are some that are also condensed. Building materials include stone, wood, metal, bamboo, brick, and plastic. Toys and clothing are made of plastic. Various types of materials can be found in the world, such as glass and metal. Cloth is the most common material, used for sewing, weaving, and knitting. Wool, silk, polyester, cotton, velvet, and rayon are common textiles.

Many building materials come from nature, like stone, wood, metal, bamboo, and brick. Another type of common material is plastic, which is mutagenic and radioactive. Stargate SG-1 is made of a metal alloy that amplify energy. Comic books often feature a special kind of metal found only in Wakanda and Antarctica. Other materials that can be found in our world include wool, silk, polyester, and cotton.

What is your Material Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Material Name is.