Metal Name Quiz

Welcome to the metal name quiz. A fun way to find out what metal band you are is to take a Metal Name Quiz. Many of the most popular metal bands have great songs with simple lyrics. You can take a quiz and find out what you know about your favorite metal bands! Just make sure you know what the words and phrases mean before you take the quiz! The best way to get started is to take a few quizzes to see what your answer means.

Heavy metal is an all-encompassing term that dates back to the early '80s. Initially, it meant cannons and power, but it has now come to describe certain elements and compounds. These metals, such as lead and mercury, are toxic to the human body and can cause severe illnesses. The word first appeared in a Steppenwolf play, Born to be Wild, in 1968.

The term heavy metal was first used by American writer William Burroughs, and it refers to cannon and power. Since then, it has been used to classify specific elements or compounds, such as mercury or lead. It has also become a buzzword in the world of heavy metal, including indie bands. The most famous examples of heavy metals include V8, Bloke, and Transmetal.

What is your Metal Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Metal Name is.