Military Honor Name Quiz

Welcome to the military honor name quiz. What is your military honor name? The answer to this quiz can help you decide if you're an honorary veteran or not. While the majority of recipients are U.S. soldiers, some have earned other honors, such as the Medal of Liberty. Some have been awarded for bravery, such as the Air Force pilot Maj. Pat Brady. Other recipients have received the Medal of Honor in a more obscure way, such as staff sergeant David Bellavia.

The first Medal of Honour was awarded to John Kennedy in 1861. This honor is given to those who display exceptional bravery while serving in the United States armed forces. The award can be doubled for two different actions, and it's possible to get more than one. This quiz will help you determine which military honor name is right for you! Just take the quiz and see if you can guess the right name for your favorite hero.

In the Medal of Honour quiz, you can guess which military honors you have received. Using a military honor name is a great way to learn more about the honor that you've earned in your life. The quiz will include questions such as the youngest recipient, the oldest recipient, and the most recent military award. If you want to test yourself, check out the results of previous Medal of Honour quizzes!

What is your Military Honor Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Military Honor Name is.