Mistborn Terris Name Quiz

Welcome to the mistborn terris name quiz. Are you interested in discovering the unique mistborn name of your character? Take our simple Mistborn character name quiz. The results will show you the personality and energy of your character. Your Mistborn Terris name will be a unique expression of your own personality and uniqueness. You will be amazed at the results! If you'd like to know more about the game's names and characters, read on for more information!

As the first Mistborn game, Luthadel was originally a mountainous region called Terris. In the story, the Lord Ruler had to reroute the mountains to make the city appear as part of Old Territory and the Well of Ascension. Despite the misnomous location of Luthadel, the city was once known as Terris. Then, the Lord Ruler moved the mountains to hide the former city. Now, the city is situated north of the northern continent of the Final Empire.

The Sazed race hails from the country of the north of land. This people have been stewards of the land for centuries and have used their magical ability, similar to allomancy, to keep the knowledge of the land. The Sazed store their attributes in metal so that they can call on them when they need them. You can also take a quiz to determine which Mistborn character name best fits your personality and character.

What is your Mistborn Terris Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Mistborn Terris Name is.