Modern Egyptian Name Quiz

Welcome to the modern egyptian name quiz. A Modern Egyptian name is one of the most unusual and interesting. It originated from the ancient country and is known for its mythology. Some of its names are derived from its famous ancient gods: Horus, who had a falcon-headed head and was the son of Osiris and Isis. Some modern Egyptian names are based on these ancient gods, but they are not very common. For example, Ramses is a boy's name.

What is the meaning of your name? This quiz will help you identify the meaning of your name. Most of the Egyptian toponyms have a Coptic, Arabic, Greek, or Western meaning. Most of the names that end in -nouda, -noudi, or -nuti come from places in Egypt, as opposed to other regions. Some Egyptian surnames are based on a city.

Your name may be derived from one of the many names of ancient Egypt. For example, the ancient word for the country was Kemet, which means black fertile soils. The name Deshret, on the other hand, means "red land." Both of these names can be derived from the name of a region of Egypt. In modern Egyptian culture, the country's name is pronounced kemet, while ancient names are pronounced keme or khemia.

What is your Modern Egyptian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Modern Egyptian Name is.