Nephilim Name Quiz

Welcome to the nephilim name quiz. The first step in selecting a Nephilim name is to find out which of the characters you are most like. There are many names for Nephilim characters in the books, and choosing one of them is important if you want to be unique. Also, a Nephilim character needs a unique and memorable name, so it's important to choose a short and memorable one.

The sons of God decided to take the daughters of man and married their wives. The sons of God said that the spirit of man would not remain in the flesh forever, so they gave the humans wives of their choice. Then they told Adam and Eve that their days were to be 120 years. This was when the Nephilim were created. These men were mighty and creative and were known for their artistic abilities. As a result, their names have become popular as gaming and fiction character names.

The name Nephilim has a mysterious significance. Known as the angels of Heaven, the Nephilim are able to predict the future. In their waking state, they experience premonitions. This is because they develop acute intuitive insight. Their sense of the immediate actions of other people and things makes them dangerous fighters. So, if you have a Nephilim name, you're on the right track!

What is your Nephilim Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Nephilim Name is.