Ocean Name Quiz

Welcome to the ocean name quiz. If you know the names of all of the world's oceans, you're ready to take the OceanName Quiz. The first quiz is about the five largest oceans on earth. Once upon a time, the earth was one ocean, and the five main ones are: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Southern. Which of these do you identify with? If you know the names of all of them, you can answer the remaining questions.

The Atlantic Ocean is the largest ocean in the world, making up 23% of the whole. The Atlantic is also home to the world's deepest point at 7,450 meters. The ancient Greeks and Romans referred to the ocean as the "Great River of the Gods," and the ocean was a part of it. The equator divides the ocean into two parts, each with different types of species. The names of the two major oceans have a lot of history behind them.

The Pacific and Atlantic oceans comprise about 23% of the world's water, while the Atlantic and Indian oceans make up the other 75%. The Southern Ocean was named for a god called "Oceanus," a mythological figure from the ancient Greeks and Romans. The vast river was believed to be a divine personification. Until recently, the southern half of the continent was known as the "Atlantic."

What is your Ocean Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Ocean Name is.