Pain Description Quiz

Welcome to the pain description quiz. Whether you experience acute or chronic pain, knowing how to describe it is an important part of the treatment process. Different types of pain have different symptoms and a patient's ability to describe the pain will help their doctor make the right diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment. Several different types of pain can be described as "dull", "severe," "neurotic," and "other." This is a simple but very effective method of expressing pain.

The first step in describing pain is to identify the severity of your discomfort. Adults can describe their pain using a numeric scale, from 0 to 10, where zero represents the lack of pain to 10 representing the most extreme pain. For example, if you're feeling no pain, you'd rate it a zero, while a ten would symbolize the most extreme pain. Next, rate your pain on a one to ten scale.

To begin, rate your pain. Use a pain scale of 0-10, where a ten indicates the most severe pain. The scale also asks you to choose a number that best represents the intensity of your pain. For example, you might rate the pain on your "best" day, your "worst" day, and your "average" day. Your physician will then know the severity of your pain by looking at your answers.

What is your Pain Description?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Pain Description is.