Pathfinder Ifrit Name Quiz

Welcome to the pathfinder ifrit name quiz. You've never taken a quiz like this before. Take a look at the examples above, and see if your choice is similar to any of them. What's the difference between each one? The answers are surprising, but they all come from the same source: the Pathfinder Ifrit. The Pathfinder Ifrit name generator is designed to create a wide array of names that fit your personality perfectly.

Ifrits are fiery dwarves, and have a natural affinity for fire. As such, they are quick and impetuous and often become champions. They are a kind and generous race, but they don't like to be controlled. Those who fall victim to their schemes tend to be half elves or gnomes, but sometimes form close bonds with elves and dwarves. However, ifrits don't care for sylphs and don't like elves, they are on good terms with other elemental-touched races.

The ifrit races have a very colorful history. Their people were created by magma dragons, and they are descended from efreets and salamanders. They have a very fiery temperament and are often attracted to other races. They often develop a close relationship with fire. Their fierceness is also reflected in their name.

What is your Pathfinder Ifrit Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Pathfinder Ifrit Name is.