Penguin Name Quiz

Welcome to the penguin name quiz. What is your penguin name? Take our quiz to find out! These adorable birds live in the Arctic and Antarctic, but have you ever wondered what they look like? Their black and white feathers are actually a camouflage of sorts. They can also be seen on the TV show "Penguins of Madagascar," and you can see them wading in the snow. Regardless of their species, you will find that these creatures have many interesting characteristics.

There are many penguin names, but you can also give your penguin an unusual one. If you want a lovable and talkative girl penguin, go with Kiki. Another popular choice is Adeline, which comes from the English word for noble. Other popular choices include Meg, which means "margaret." If you want a smooth and talkative guy penguin, try Sleeky.

You can also choose a unique penguin name. The names above are just some suggestions. The best names for a male or female penguin are 'Kiki' and 'Mad'. If you're a female penguin, go for 'Adele'. It's a very sweet name for a girl, but it doesn't really have much meaning.

What is your Penguin Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Penguin Name is.