Plot Description Quiz

Welcome to the plot description quiz. A plot consists of a series of connected events that bring about a particular outcome. For example, a dog sees a squirrel and runs free, knocking a girl over and causing a boy to fall off his bike. A story has a plot and all the events must be connected to reach that end. The more connected the events, the stronger the plot description is.

A plot consists of many events that will eventually lead to a certain event. The inciting incident is the first event in a story. The next events are the rising action, which leads to the highest point of the story. A comprehensive plot description will define the inciting incident and detail the sequence of events that will follow. Once the main character reaches the height of the action, it will be easy for the reader to follow.

A story can have multiple levels of conflict. In order for the story to be successful, it must follow a logical and compelling format. A plot differs from a story in that it highlights the cause and effect relationship of major events. Authors use these elements to keep readers interested. There are many different types of plots, but they all have the same basic structure. In this way, you can use them to your advantage when writing.

What is your Plot Description?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Plot Description is.