Poison Name Quiz

Welcome to the poison name quiz. The word "poison" was first used in the mid-19th century to refer to alcohol. Its roots may be from the Latin word 'toxicum,' meaning 'to eat'. The term is now commonly used to describe the negative effects of consuming alcohol. The term is also the basis of phrases such as "name your poison" and "eat your frog." In the mid-1800s, mountaineers in central Austria started drinking arsenic preparations as a general tonic. These men eventually became known as arsenic eaters, and many developed a high tolerance for the substance.

The word "poison" refers to a substance that is harmful. In the medical field, the term is sometimes used to exaggerate the danger of certain chemicals. The father of toxicology, Paracelsus, wrote that everything is a poison and only the amount that makes it non-poisonous. Its use can also be used figuratively. Even non-poisonous substances can cause illness or death.

Did you know that there are 1,200 species of marine organisms? Over 700 kinds of fish are toxic, and there are 400 different types of snakes. There are also 750 species of plants. Aconitine, for example, is a plant derived poison, which is deadly for humans. If you have ever stepped in a contaminated area, you know that the poison is there.

What is your Poison Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Poison Name is.