Prison Name Quiz

Welcome to the prison name quiz. What do you do when you're in jail? Take the Prison Name Quiz. This online quiz can help you figure out what type of inmate you are. Most of us have been thrown in jail as a child and never thought about what we would be called while behind bars. However, we have all wondered what a jailbird's name would be if they were in prison. For the first question, answer your first and last name. Your answer will be based on what you write down. Then, enter your second name. Once you have entered your third and final name, press the "Start" button. After the next screen, you'll be asked to type in your second and third names. Once you're finished, you'll know what your Prison Name is! For the fourth question, enter your first and last name. Your prison name is the result of your first and last name. If you're not sure, you can always check the results on a separate page. Once you've answered the question, click "Next" to move on to the next question. If you want to test your knowledge about your prison identity, take the quiz! The results will surprise you!

What is your Prison Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Prison Name is.