Programmer Excuse Quiz

Welcome to the programmer excuse quiz. What's your number one excuse? Most programmers at some point have thought, "Oh, the database must be broken!". DBMS is guilty until proven innocent. So, the programmers will never ask the DBA for help. The truth is, 99% of database errors are due to programming errors. If you've ever run into one of these problems, you should immediately stop and think of a solution.

Unless you're working on an e-commerce app, it's likely you've had a bug. It's not uncommon for a program to crash, but you'd be surprised at how often developers give excuses when they don't have the latest build. Even worse, they'll tell you that a problem is caused by a faulty function, but it doesn't.

Whether it's your first time writing code or your first, take the Programmer's Escapade Quiz. What is Your Programmer's Escapade? This quick quiz will let you know which excuse you use the most. Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's a great way to find out what you're missing in your code.

Copying working code is an efficient way to develop a program. However, you need to make sure that the SQL you copied is what you need. Many things can go wrong, and you're stuck with a broken program. Don't let this be you! Using a workable database is the key to effective programming. If you're unsure, you can always refer to a guide to avoid errors and copy-paste SQL.

What is your Programmer Excuse?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Programmer Excuse is.