Runescape Troll Name Quiz

Welcome to the runescape troll name quiz. The troll is a unique race in RuneScape. The main population lives in Trollheim, though some trolls can also be found in Piscatoris. Trolls are named after the first food they ate, which is often a rock. Their weapons are crude, but they do defend their territory with a fierce determination. A troll is a dangerous opponent and will eat anyone who crosses its boundary.

A mountain troll is very powerful, and its main food source is goutweed. The ice trolls live on the icy mountain called Trollweiss. They are the most violent trolls, attacking various civilizations. Their leader, known as the Ice Troll King, has the ability to cause severe damage with large rocks, bones, and wooden clubs.

The troll names that you have chosen should reflect your character in the game, and should be unique to you. The troll name you choose should reflect your personality and style. In RuneScape, you can use any name you choose to be your troll. They are often referred to as 'Troll Queens', and their main food source is goutweed.

What is your RuneScape TRoll Name? Take our quiz to find out. The results of this quiz are completely confidential. Try it today! If you have an unfinished troll name, consider changing it. It may make the troll name more unique. If it does, try using something that sounds a little more modern.

What is your Runescape Troll Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Runescape Troll Name is.