Sanskrit Name Quiz

Welcome to the sanskrit name quiz. You may be surprised to learn that your Indian name is derived from Sanskrit. You could be called Prathamesh, which means blue throat. The reason for this is because Lord Shiva drank poison to turn his throat blue during the Battle of Gods and Demons. Other names for a male child include Parshuram, Arjun, and Parthiv. Paarth refers to the king of the Earth, and Paarthiv means son of the earth. The Hindu God Vishnu is often called Parma or Param, meaning supreme being. The word pashupati means lord of all living things. The name Hema is the name of a baby boy who is born in India.

Depending on the answers, your Sanskrit name might have some interesting stories or traits. Garud is the Hindu God of abundance, which is why it is a popular Hindu name. Other popular Hindu names are Garud, which means earth. The ancient Indian name Kiran means ray of light, and Gopal is a cowherder. Other names that are common in India include Myra, which means divinely beautiful. Other popular Indian names include Priyanka and Nita, which mean soft and mild. Lastly, Gopi, which means wise and intelligent, is the ancient Hindu name for a girl.

What is your Hindu name? Aadi is an ancient name in India, meaning beginning. Agan is an ancient Hindu name for a man, and refers to a man. It means beautiful and intelligent. Agan is the Hindu god of fire, which is why the word is so popular. Other Hindu names include Charu, which means divinely beautiful. The Goddess Parnika is the protector of cows.

What is your Sanskrit Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Sanskrit Name is.