Satellite Name Quiz

Welcome to the satellite name quiz. The word'satellite' is very old. It has been used since the mid-1500s. It derives from the Latin word satella, which means attendant or follower. In this case, a satellite is a spacecraft that orbits around something else. The quiz below can help you learn more about what your satellite might be called. If you're unsure of your answer, you can refer to the answer file.

A satellite is an object in space that orbits another object. There are natural and artificial satellites in orbit. The Earth has two. Most of the planets have at least one moon. The moons of Saturn have 53. A Canadian geosynchronous communications satellite, Anik 1, was launched in 1972 and operated until 1982. It was the first official national television satellite and provided signals to remote parts of Canada.

The earliest satellites launched were known as Sputniks. The first Sputnik was launched in 1957 and was the first of a series of Earth satellites. The last one, Explorer VII, was launched on 13 October 1959, ending the IGY earth satellite program. That was only the beginning of the Space Age. You can take the quiz to find out what your satellite is named.

What is your Satellite Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Satellite Name is.