Shower Thought Quiz

Welcome to the shower thought quiz. Do you ever wonder why you think in a certain way? The following quiz will help you figure it out. There are thousands of answers to this popular question, so you can be sure you're not the only one. Some ideas are funny or genuinely interesting, and others are simply completely ridiculous. Regardless of what you think, this quiz will provide you with some great insights into your shower routine. You might be surprised to discover that you think differently in the shower than you do in real life. For some people, the distraction from the world around them is enough to create deep thoughts. But for others, the smell of shampoo and steam can trigger the creative side of the brain. When your mind is preoccupied with something, mini epiphanies can occur. Some people even have the courage to make changes to their lives based on these ideas. You can also take the Shower Thought Quiz. What is your favorite thing to do? If you can't figure out what makes you tick, try a few of these ideas out. You may be pleasantly surprised. You might even be surprised at what you discover! You may even find your own unique Shower Thought! You'll be shocked at the results! This test is not just for geeks - it will also reveal some things about yourself that you never knew existed.

What is your Shower Thought?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Shower Thought is.