Snake Name Quiz

Welcome to the snake name quiz. When naming a snake, it's important to think of the snake's lifespan - 20 years! - and its meaning if the snake is ever known to be a threat. Some people choose to name snakes according to their appearance, while others choose obscure meanings for their pets. Although snakes cannot tell their sex, the gender of a pet can inspire a decision to name a snake.

A snake's behavior is unpredictable, so you might not want to choose one with a venomous bite. But this isn't to say you can't pick your snake name! It's a unique animal that's not afraid of humans, so don't worry. You can always take this Snake Name Quiz to find out what kind of snake you are. Most people don't realize that snakes are a distinctly unique species that is sure to catch you off guard.

Among snakes, the rattlesnake is one of the biggest venomous creatures on Earth. Its tail is meant to frighten cowboys. The rattlesnake is one of the few types of snake that can give live snake babies. Regardless of your snake's name, you can be confident that it's the right one for you. All you have to do is answer a few questions in the quiz and you'll be on your way to naming a reptile.

What is your Snake Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Snake Name is.