Song Title Quiz

Welcome to the song title quiz. Do you know your '80s music? Are you able to match songs titles with the correct verbs? It's a fun quiz to take and a great way to get to know other people. If you love music from this decade, you'll love this quiz. It will test your knowledge of the genre and the songs you grew up with! It's not difficult, and it will leave you feeling like a real rock star!

If you're not familiar with the lyrics, you can use the word "fun" to play the quiz. Choose the correct word in the phrase and capitalize it. If you're not sure, use the artist's name first. If a person already knows the artist's name, they can try to guess it. If they haven't guessed the song title, they can ask a friend who knows the artist's name.

If you don't know what the song is, then you can try it by going to the songfacts site. It will take you a few minutes to complete the quiz, and it's free! There are tags to help you find other quizzes that feature the same topic. Once you've completed the quiz, you can try it out for yourself! You can also download the app for free if you want to test the quiz for free.

What is your Song Title?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Song Title is.