Species Name Quiz

Welcome to the species name quiz. The species name is a scientific name that a person may have heard of, but has never put to words. It may be a common or obscure word that is related to the animal's appearance or behavior. The names of birds can be quite confusing, but you can test your knowledge by taking this quiz. By the end of the quiz, you should know the difference between a generic and specific name and be able to correctly identify the animal.

The name of a cat comes from the Latin word fulgens, which means "cat-sized" (fulgens). Its scientific name is Panthera leo, which refers to the big cat or lion. The scientific term for a domestic cat, also known as a cat, is Felis catus. While this name is generic, many people prefer to call their pet "cat," or "felis," since it evokes images of Bowie.

The first question in the quiz is a simple one. It should be easier to answer than the second one. You must know the order of the questions to pass the quiz. The correct identification is only given for the first guess, so you can continue guessing until you find the right answer. Once you have your answers, simply click the bottom button and see your score! The questions are easy to answer, and you should be able to figure out which species you are.

What is your Species Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Species Name is.